Sinus Lift – Graft

Dr. Ghayoumi may recommend sinus lift and bone graft if a patient does not have enough bone to secure a dental implant in the back areas of the upper jaw. When teeth are lost in these areas, the sinuses often expand and compromise dental implant placement. A sinus augmentation lifts the maxillary sinus to make room for more bone. This procedure helps restore the area back to normal and generate new bone, making future dental implant placement possible

Dental Implant Sinus Lift in  in Orange County

The dental implant sinus lift is popularly known as Sinus Augmentation. It is an advanced procedure that assists in preparing an upper jaw to hold precise placement of dental implants.

Dental Implant Sinus Lift

Such surgery is necessary when there is a lack of bone in the maxilla, mainly when the patient is reacting to the sinus elevation or the uplift of the sinus membrane from the bone sinuses, hence the need for bone grafting.

As a result, the dental implants get strong support in the form of a grafted ridge or other rigid materials such as titanium.

Sinus Graft for Dental Implants

Dental implants are a suitable way to replace missing teeth. However, in some people, the dentist discovers through examination and photography that the jaw bone cannot support the implant.

Sinus Graft for Dental Implants

For such people, sinus surgery is necessary. This procedure places the implant inside the jawbone more quickly, reducing complications after implantation.

For a sinus lift to be effective, sinus grafting is indispensable. This is a stage in a dental implant where the dentist positions or leverages bone or bone substitutes to the upper jaw near the sinuses.

The bone this graft creates fosters new bone growth that will allow dental implants to be securely positioned after it has achieved coziness.

Nasal Lift Dental Implants

The only natural alternative to living without molars is to have dental implants. However, a nasal or sinus lift is necessary for people who opt to have dental implants on the upper back jaw.

One reason that leads to insufficient bone levels is tooth loss or even allergies. Also, it enables the fitting of the implants for form and use.

Nasal Lift Dental Implants

Dr. Ghayoumi’s use of several modern instruments and methods ensures proper performance of nasal lifts, offering the best services to patients undergoing dental implants.

Sinus Lift Before and After

Not only is it possible to address this deficiency, but it is usually straightforward. In the absence of the sinus lift procedure, patients who have lost alveolar bone in the upper jaw, for the most part, find it hard to get dental implants. Some patients have had a sinus lift at one stage of their dental implant placement program.

Sinus Lift Dentistry

If you plan to implant, you should visit a dentist to determine the necessity of sinus lift surgery.

Doctor Ghayoumi is a dentist specializing in sinus lift treatments and ensures that his treatment is done correctly to help guarantee that dental implants in the upper jaw are successful.


Is it possible to perform dental implant surgery simultaneously as a sinus lift?

Usually, the sinus lift is done before implant placement because the bone needs a few months to grow, fuse, and become strong. Many studies show that it takes three months for the bone graft to harden and fuse fully.

Since the implant base must sink into the bone, it is best to let the graft set well before placing it.

When should sinus lift and implant placement be performed simultaneously?

  • If significant infection has occurred
  • If the bone scan and pre-surgery examinations show that the bone stability may not be sufficient for immediate implant placement

However, depending on the size of the transplant and the patient’s condition, sinus lift and implant placement may be done simultaneously. Everyone’s situation is different, and the dentist must make decisions.

What is the age for sinus lift surgery?

The age of sinus lift surgery can differ depending on each patient’s needs. Most patients who undergo dental sinus surgery are between the ages of 22 and 65.

What is the test required to perform a sinus lift?

Before performing sinus lift surgery, some tests may be needed to evaluate the suitability of this procedure. These tests include:

  1. X-ray of the teeth: to evaluate the current condition of the maxillary bone, sinuses, and teeth.
  2. Cone beam computed tomography scan (CBCT): a specialized three-dimensional and accurate imaging technique of the jaw bone and sinus anatomy.
  3. Dental molds
  4. Medical history and physical examination

Who should do a sinus lift before dental implants?

If you want to replace your lost or damaged tooth in the upper jaw with an implant, but the jawbone at the back of the mouth near the sinuses is not enough, you may need to undergo this surgery.

The cause of bone deficiency in this area can be one of the following:

  • Congenital disability
  • Advanced gum and periodontal disease
  • Cancer
  • Specific medical or pharmaceutical treatments
  • Bone loss with age

A sinus lift is performed in cases where the sinuses are too close to the upper jaw, and there is not enough space for the implant.

What people can’t do a sinus lift?

Those who have the following conditions may be prohibited from performing this procedure:

  • Acute sinusitis
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Absence of bone between the mucous layer of the mouth and the mucous layer of the sinus
  • HIV or AIDS
  • Blood coagulation disorders