Herbal Teeth Whitening

Maybe you have ever asked yourself which plant is suitable for teeth whitening. You can use these herbal remedies to whiten your teeth.

Using ingredients like salt, holy basil, ginger, turmeric, and baking soda in specific ways can help whiten teeth at home.


  1. Teeth whitening with holy basil, teeth whitening in traditional medicine

Holy basil is an effective ingredient for whitening yellow teeth. It helps give teeth a shinier and whiter appearance.

The whitening property of holy basil prevents the yellowing of teeth due to consuming food and drink.

To whiten teeth with this plant, leave some holy basil leaves in the sun to dry. Powder the dried leaves, mix the powder in your toothpaste, and brush your teeth with it 2-3 times a day.

Use this ingredient regularly for at least seven days to see its effect.

2. Teeth whitening with ginger

Another herbal remedy is ginger. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that keep the oral tissue healthy. In addition, it helps to have white teeth and a healthy and beautiful smile.

Add ground ginger to tea to whiten teeth with ginger and take advantage of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger root is also helpful in preventing gum diseases because it is a healing plant. It also provides temporary relief from toothache. To whiten teeth with ginger, you can use it along with salt.

3. Teeth whitening with turmeric

Turmeric is a plant with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and a teeth-whitening mask helps care for teeth at home.

A 2012 study found that curcumin in turmeric can prevent gingivitis or gum disease. Turmeric helps remove plaque, bacteria, and inflammation when used correctly with mouthwash.

There is currently no conclusive study proving the whitening properties of turmeric, and turmeric is not considered a substitute for teeth whitening treatments in dentistry.

4. Whitening yellow teeth with salt

Since salt is a mild abrasive, it can quickly remove plaque and other residue from the teeth and whiten yellow teeth if used as a cleaning powder.

Also, the antibacterial properties of salt have made many brands add it to their toothpaste.

Although salt may temporarily remove surface stains, its abrasive nature can damage enamel, which is irreversible.

Is it possible to whiten teeth with salt?

Although whitening yellow teeth is an effective treatment, it only temporarily removes surface stains.

5. Teeth whitening with baking soda

Baking soda has natural whitening properties, which is why it’s a popular ingredient in toothpaste. This powder is a mild abrasive that can help remove surface stains from the teeth. In addition, baking soda creates an alkaline environment in the mouth that prevents the growth of bacteria.

This is not a treatment that will whiten your teeth overnight, but over time, you will notice the effect and the difference in the appearance of your teeth.

Although this treatment has not been scientifically proven, various studies have shown that toothpastes containing baking soda have a significant whitening effect.

To whiten your teeth with baking soda, mix one teaspoon with two teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with this paste. You can do this several times a week.

6. Strawberries and baking soda to whiten teeth

Whitening teeth with baking soda and strawberries is a natural remedy for yellowing teeth. The malic acid in strawberries is claimed to remove discoloration on the surface of the teeth, while the baking soda removes stains from the teeth.

Mix a fresh strawberry with baking soda to use this treatment, and brush your teeth with the resulting mixture.

7. Teeth whitening with honey

It might seem unusual, but honey has been reported to aid teeth whitening due to its antibacterial properties.

The antibacterial properties of honey reduce the amount of acid produced in the mouth. In this way, the bacteria can no longer produce dextran, which helps the bacteria stick to the tooth surface.

8. Whitening teeth with apple cider vinegar

Teeth whitening with baking soda and vinegar is also one of the teeth whitening methods. The pH of apple cider vinegar can remove stains from your teeth and make your teeth whiter naturally.

However, consistent use is required to see noticeable results. You need to repeat this process for about a month.

9. Whitening teeth with tomatoes

Consuming tomatoes can help in removing tooth enamel stains. Although tomatoes contain nutrients beneficial for health, their acidic nature and intense pigments can cause staining and enamel erosion over time.

10. Whitening teeth with starch

Starch is a white powder that can help clean teeth. To use it, it is necessary to mix two spoons of starch with lukewarm water and put the paste-colored liquid obtained on the teeth. After a few minutes, remove it and brush your teeth. This method helps to remove the surface masses of the tooth.




The previous article introduced several methods for “Whitening Teeth at Home.”

We’ve now delved into natural and herbal treatments, such as turmeric, cinnamon, and apple cider vinegar. While these remedies may offer slower results, they are ideal for those seeking natural, chemical-free options.

Depending on your needs and desired outcome, choosing the proper method can make a significant difference in your teeth’ health and appearance.

You can read the article “Best Teeth Whitening Methods” to discover the most effective clinical techniques. However, it’s always wise to consult your dentist for personalized advice to achieve the best results.

We recommend consulting with Dr. Ghayoumi before starting teeth whitening treatment to minimize complications and potential damage.



