
[yelp-reviews-pro business_photo=https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/xPrStFUueH5E_1sMbvHifw/o.jpg business_id=ovSf7jjnNQdnYwpiJI6ADg auto_load=true rating_snippet=true sort=1 min_filter=4 view_mode=list open_link=true hide_float_badge=true lazy_load_img=true]

Chris Staller

I am the ‘lucky’ 50-year old, child of the Fluoride 70’s, no braces, never had a cavity kind of guy – who also hates going to the dentist – with a passion,..And then, as luck would have it, I crack a tooth and guess what has to be removed.

Sikander Faheem

I had a bone loss in my front lower two teeth and my dentist told me that he needs to extract both front teeth. I asked him to consult with a fellow dentist who was also working at the same clinic. Both doctors recommended the extraction of the two teeth. I refused to accept their recommendation.

Kas S

I came to Dr. Ghayoumi for an extraction and the procedure was as pain free and seamless as possible. Also, she gave me a great price that was much lower than other quotes I received. She even came to the office on Saturday just to see me since I couldn’t go midweek. Highly recommended!

Jesse M

I started seeing Dr. Ghayoumi a little over a year ago. With all of my dental issues, I was always afraid of dentists and they always called in a specialist to give me a second opinion. I stopped seeing a dentist for a couple of years because I always felt they gave me bad news.

Ciaran O

Doctor Nooshin Ghayoumi is truly amazing. Her specialty is periodontics (treatment of damage due to gum disease) and implants. As I am getting older and my gums are recedin I had to go to her when I needed a second opinion about some bad advice I had been given.

Sami G

I came to Dr.Ghayoumi to fix my gummy smile. I’ve always had overbite and overjet of my upper teeth and a gummy smile . I’ve gone through braces 2wice and still my problem hasn’t been solved. My gummy smile always bothered me and whenever i laughed i had to cover my mouth bc i was always embarassed.

Tich C

I had a failed root canal and had to get an implant since it was the very last tooth on my mouth.

John A.

I was referred to Dr. Nooshin Ghayoumi to repair the damage that I had done to my gums after 25 years of smokeless tobacco use on a daily basis.